Saturday, October 24, 2009

Support The Pool by Voting Yes on the Levy Renewal in February of 2010

Good afternoon pool supporters.

I thought I would share my recent letter to the editor with you. The letter is posted on the Norht Kitsap Herald web site.

Community: Challenge to the North Kitsap CommunityOct 20 2009, 11:26 AM
The North Kitsap School District wants voters to renew its levy next February. It provides $13 million, or 20 percent of the district’s budget. This is not “extra” money; it’s not new money.
Sadly, renewal is not a slam dunk. The economy is tough and taxes unpopular. Also, there is tension between district leadership and some members of our community.
Eighteen months ago, rumors surfaced that the district would close the community pool. My kids are on the Piranha swim team, so the pool is important to my family. I fought to keep the pool open. Sometimes, I locked horns with district leaders, but we worked through it and now the pool is financially stronger than ever.
My story is a good example of working within the system, instead of throwing stones from outside. I didn’t feel the district was handling the pool appropriately. So I got involved. I am now on the Community Pool Advisory Committee and the Capital Finance Advisory Committee. Do I think all district decisions are right? Nope. But I also know that by getting involved, I am making a difference for my children.
I urge you to get involved—and to vote “yes” on the school levy.
Randy Borek