Monday, August 25, 2008

School Board Meeting - The Budget Vote

7:00 PM
Thursday, August 28th
18360 Caldart Ave.

This is the Budget Vote meeting. It's time again to put large numbers of pool supporters in the room.

You can download and review the budget proposal HERE or go to the NKSD website

Please show up and bring your friends.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Big Meeting On Saturday

Pool News: Big Meeting Saturday Morning
On Monday morning, the NKSD school board approved a proposal by the Superintendant to create a citizen advisory group to: “monitor and evaluate operations through December” and to “create a business plan” which would offer long-term funding solutions.
So we want your help.
Please join your fellow swimmers—and other interested citizens—for a Idea Generating Meeting. One giant brainstorm about money. No (legal) idea too crazy!

Please invite anyone else that has an interest in assisting us.

August 16
8:30 to 11
Board Room

Friday, August 8, 2008

School Board Meeting - Monday, August 11

On Monday, August 11th at 10 am the school board will meet in a special meeting called to review a budget proposal for operting the North Kitsap Community Pool through December 31, 2008.

In addition, the school board will consider the formation of a North Kitsap Pool Advisory Committee to oversee pool operations and report back to the superintendent.

The outcome of this meetings should give us a pretty good idea if the pool will be open after August 31, 2008.
